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ARCH is a 4 letter word which starts with the letter A and ends with the letter H for which we found 5 definitions.

(n.) Any part of a curved line.
(n.) Usually a curved member made up of separate wedge-shaped solids with the joints between them disposed in the direction of the radii of the curve; used to support the wall or other weight above an opening. In this sense arches are segmental round (i. e. semicircular) or pointed.
(n.) A flat arch is a member constructed of stones cut into wedges or other shapes so as to support each other without rising in a curve.
(n.) Any place covered by an arch; an archway; as to pass into the arch of a bridge.
(n.) Any curvature in the form of an arch; as the arch of the aorta.

Syllable Information

The word ARCH is a 4 letter word that has 1 syllable . The syllable division for ARCH is: arch

Words by number of letters: