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CREAM is a 5 letter word which starts with the letter C and ends with the letter M for which we found 5 definitions.

(n.) The rich oily and yellowish part of milk which when the milk stands unagitated rises and collects on the surface. It is the part of milk from which butter is obtained.
(n.) The part of any liquor that rises and collects on the surface.
(n.) A delicacy of several kinds prepared for the table from cream etc. or so as to resemble cream.
(n.) A cosmetic; a creamlike medicinal preparation.
(n.) The best or choicest part of a thing; the quintessence; as the cream of a jest or story; the cream of a collection of books or pictures.

Syllable Information

The word CREAM is a 5 letter word that has 1 syllable . The syllable division for CREAM is: cream

Words by number of letters: