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RELAX is a 5 letter word which starts with the letter R and ends with the letter X for which we found 5 definitions.

(n.) To make lax or loose; to make less close firm rigid tense or the like; to slacken; to loosen; to open; as to relax a rope or cord; to relax the muscles or sinews.
(n.) To make less severe or rigorous; to abate the stringency of; to remit in respect to strenuousness earnestness or effort; as to relax discipline; to relax one's attention or endeavors.
(n.) Hence to relieve from attention or effort; to ease; to recreate; to divert; as amusement relaxes the mind.
(n.) To relieve from constipation; to loosen; to open; as an aperient relaxes the bowels.
(v. i.) To become lax weak or loose; as to let one's grasp relax.

Syllable Information

The word RELAX is a 5 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for RELAX is: re-lax

Words by number of letters: