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ROUGH is a 5 letter word which starts with the letter R and ends with the letter H for which we found 5 definitions.

(n.) Having inequalities small ridges or points on the surface; not smooth or plain; as a rough board; a rough stone; rough cloth.
(n.) Not level; having a broken surface; uneven; -- said of a piece of land or of a road.
(n.) Not polished; uncut; -- said of a gem; as a rough diamond.
(n.) Tossed in waves; boisterous; high; -- said of a sea or other piece of water.
(n.) Marked by coarseness; shaggy; ragged; disordered; -- said of dress appearance or the like; as a rough coat.

Syllable Information

The word ROUGH is a 5 letter word that has 1 syllable . The syllable division for ROUGH is: rough

Words by number of letters: