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Tap is a 3 letter word which starts with the letter T and ends with the letter P for which we found 5 definitions.

(v. t.) To strike with a slight or gentle blow; to touch gently; to rap lightly; to pat; as to tap one with the hand or a cane.
(v. t.) To put a new sole or heel on; as to tap shoes.
(n.) A gentle or slight blow; a light rap; a pat.
(n.) A piece of leather fastened upon the bottom of a boot or shoe in repairing or renewing the sole or heel.
(n.) A signal by drum or trumpet for extinguishing all lights in soldiers' quarters and retiring to bed -- usually given about a quarter of an hour after tattoo.

Syllable Information

The word Tap is a 3 letter word that has 1 syllable . The syllable division for Tap is: tap

Words by number of letters: