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Huddle is a 6 letter word which starts with the letter H and ends with the letter E for which we found 4 definitions.

(v. i.) To press together promiscuously from confusion apprehension or the like; to crowd together confusedly; to press or hurry in disorder; to crowd.
(v. t.) To crowd (things) together to mingle confusedly; to assemble without order or system.
(v. t.) To do make or put in haste or roughly; hence to do imperfectly; -- usually with a following preposition or adverb; as to huddle on; to huddle up; to huddle together.
(n.) A crowd; a number of persons or things crowded together in a confused manner; tumult; confusion.

Syllable Information

The word huddle is a 6 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for huddle is: hud-dle

Words by number of letters: