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Ordinary is a 8 letter word which starts with the letter O and ends with the letter Y for which we found 5 definitions.

(a.) According to established order; methodical; settled; regular.
(a.) Common; customary; usual.
(a.) Of common rank quality or ability; not distinguished by superior excellence or beauty; hence not distinguished in any way; commonplace; inferior; of little merit; as men of ordinary judgment; an ordinary book.
(n.) An officer who has original jurisdiction in his own right and not by deputation.
(n.) One who has immediate jurisdiction in matters ecclesiastical; an ecclesiastical judge; also a deputy of the bishop or a clergyman appointed to perform divine service for condemned criminals and assist in preparing them for death.

Syllable Information

The word ordinary is a 8 letter word that has 4 syllable 's . The syllable division for ordinary is: or-di-nar-y

Words by number of letters: